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Removing Stress In Times Of Stress with Kate Whyte's

  • 1 Guinness St Greymouth New Zealand (map)

"Kate is a qualified naturopath, nutritionist and medical herbalist. Her work is similar to a general practitioner, using the principles and practices of natural medicine. Through diet modifications, lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine and establishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies I am able to address the patient's concerns and health goals. I emphasize the concept of treating the root cause of a problem and I believe in empowering the patients to balance their lives and to take charge of their own health. By treating the cause, symptoms are treated."

About the workshop:
Stress is a major factor in developing chronic conditions and further giving an array of health symptoms.

The workshop is designed to explore the following:
- what is stress and how it is hugely developing
- body systems involved in this process
- stages of stress and how impacts our life and general health
- natural strategies to alleviate stress including nutrients such minerals, vitamins, amino acids and medicinal herbs
- holistic strategies to keep a balanced level of stress

The structure of the workshop

- PowerPoint engaging presentation with a break in between (45 minutes each session + 30 minutes afternoon tea)
- afternoon tea/ nutritional wise
- coffee/herbal tea
- a wee gift for each participant (relevant to the topic)
- products for sale - herbal tincture blend / if participant are interested in this product.

Please head do to register

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